Lists of Tables
Lists of Figures
Chapter One : Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Overview of the Chapters
1.4 Definition of Terms
Note to Chapter 1
Chapter Two : Review of the Literature and Impetus for the Study
2.1 Prototype Theory and the Semantics of English Prepositions
2.1.1 Prototype Theory
2.1.2 Semantics of English Prepositions
2.2 Research on L1 Transfer
2.2.1 Historical View of Language Transfer
2.2.2 Conceptual Transfer
2.3 Research on Second Language Lexcal Acquisition
2.4 Justification for the Study
2.5 Research Questions and Hypotheses
Note to Chapter 2
Chapter Three : Experiment 1 (Production Test)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Method
3.2.1 Participants
3.2.2 Materials and Procedure
3.3 Results
3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Discussion of "At"
3.4.2 Discussion of "In"
3.4.3 Discussion of "On"
3.5 Summary
Note to Chapter 3
Chapter Four : Experiment 2 (Semantic Reletedness Test)
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Hypotheses
4.3 Method
4.3.1 Participants
4.3.2 Materials
4.3.3 Procedure
4.3.4 Analysis
4.4 Results and Discussion
4.4.1 The Case of "At" shown by the MDS and the cluster analysis
4.4.2 The Case of "In" shown by the MDS and the cluster analysis
4.4.3 The Case of "On" shown by the MDS and the cluster analysis
4.5 Testing of the Hypotheses
4.6 Summary
Note to Chapter 4
Chapter Five : Experiment 3 (Acceptability Judgment Test)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Hypotheses
5.3 Method
5.3.1 Participants
5.3.2 Materials
5.3.3 Procedure
5.3.4 Analysis
5.4 Results and Discussion
5.4.1 Results for "At"
5.4.2 Discussion of "At"
5.4.3 Results for "In"
5.4.4 Discussion of "In"
5.4.5 Results for "On"
5.4.6 Discussion of "On"
5.5 Testing of the Hypotheses
5.6 Summary
Note to Chapter 5
Chapter Six : Summary, Implications and Suggestions
6.1 Overview of the Experiments
6.2 Overview of the Findings
6.3 Implications of the Study
6.4 Suggestions for Future Research
Appendix A The Production Test
Appendix B Results of the Production Test
Appendix C English Sentences used in the Semantic Relatedness Test
Appendix D The Semantic Relatedness Test
Appendix E Raw data for the Semantic Relatedness Test
Appendix F RSQ values for MDSs
Appendix G Dendrogram of the cluster analysis
Appendix H Two-dimensional MDS conceptualization
Appendix I Three-dimensional MDS conceptualization
Appendix J The Acceptability Judgment Test
Appendix K ANOVA summury of the interaction between level of proficiency and type of instances for the three prepositions
Appendix L Averaged acceptability ratings for four senses obtained in the Semantic Relatedness Test
Appendix M Results of one-way ANOVAs of acceptability judgment for the conventional instances and the unconventional instances
Appendix N The follow-up experiment
Appendix O Correlation between the acceptability judgment of the instances and the lexical networks shown by Spearman's Rank-order correlation