‘ To the eyes of Elizabethan audiences, Hamlet probably did not appear to be a tragic hero in a neoclassical sense. His tantalising psychology and its relation to the play's catastrophic ending may not have mattered so much to them as it mattered to critics of the late-eighteenth century.... We need to bear in mind that, when we think of Hamlet's psychological mystery, we may also be looking at the image of the character which modern imaginations have construed from what may be the traces of Shakespeare's second thought about Hamlet. In other words, we might argue that modern editors, critics, scholars and actors have all collaborated with Shakespeare in revising the character of Hamlet for posterity’.
-From the author's Conclusion
Chapter One: Modern Representations of Hamlet and Their Roots in the Milieu of Late-Eighteenth-Century Criticism
1. Modern Hamlets versus Traditional Hamlets
2. Character Criticism and Modern Hamlets
3. Criticism of Hamlet's Character from the Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries
Chapter Two: The Authorial Revision of Hamlet and the Romantic Representation of the Prince's Character
1. The Place of Q2 among the Three Variant Versions of Hamlet
2. A Puzzling Instance Found in a Modern Eclectic Edition
3. The Author's Spirit and Its Influence on the Modern Imagination
4. The Meaning of the Ghost in Hamlet
5. Shakespeare's Revision of the Ghost in Q2
6. Shakespeare's Intervention and the Forming of the Mystery
Chapter Three: An Elizabethan Perspective of Melancholy, Was Hamlet's Melancholy a Motif of Psychological Reality?
1. A Pattern of Renaissance Discourse on Melancholy
2. A View of Melancholy from a Pathological Perspective
3. Lawrence Babb's View on Shakespeare's Melancholy Characters
4. Shakespeare's Melancholy Characters Reconsidered
Chapter Four: Comic Madness Performed by Richard Burbage in Shakespeare's Original Hamlet
1. Decentering the Author's Spirit in Hamlet
2. Hamlet as the Vice Figure
3. The 'antic disposition' of Hamlet Considered
4. Richard Burbage as Malvolio
5. The Image of Malvolio Projected on Hamlet