1. Introduction
1.1 Culture: Definitions. Dynamics and Implication for Economic Performance
1.2 Corporate Culture of MNEs: Definitions. Dynamics and Its Implication for Organizational Performance
1.3 Research Agenda
2. Japanese and American MNEs
2.1 Various Dimensions and Indicators of Corporate Culture
2.2 Data, Sample Selection and Empirical Models
2.3 Empirical Findings
2.4 Discussion and Interpretation
2.5 Conclusion and Future Directions for Research
3.Cultural Norms and Organizational Performance
3.1 Cultural Norms and Economic Development : An Overview
3.2 The Model
3.3 Examples, Empirical Evidence and Further Theoretical Applications
3.4 Summary and Future Directions for Research
4. Theoretical Extension
4.1 Modeling the Dynamic Evolution of Cultural Traits: A Brief Survey
4.2 An Extension of the MNE Evolutionary Model
4.3 Some Empirical Evidence
4.4 Relevance of the Extension Model and Challenges Remaining
5. Comparative Study: Five Asian Countries
5.1 Analytical Framework
5.2 Data, Sample Selection and Empirical Models: All Five Countries
5.3 Further Investigation: China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam
5.4 Empirical Findings
5.5 Conclusion and Future Directions for Research